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Turkey´s economic star continues to shine

"Turkey’s economic star continues to shine," said Robert Greifeld, CEO of the international stock exchange group NASDAQ.


Speaking on Thursday at the World Economic Forum at Davos, Greifeld praised Turkish capital markets and their investment offer.

"What we’ve witnessed in Turkey's international growth and economic progress only furthers its investment opportunities. Nasdaq supports the dynamism of Turkey's capital markets through a strategic partnership with Borsa Ýstanbul, and we watch with anticipation and participate with enthusiasm as Turkey continues its upward trajectory,” Greifeld said.

Glenn Hutchins, co-founder of the private equity firm Silver Lake, and a board member at NASDAQ OMX, said that the development of Instanbul as an international financial center was underway.

“Turkey is taking thoughtful measures to enhance what I believe is already an attractive opportunity set for international investors. For example, Borsa Istanbul's implementation of a world-class technology platform builds confidence in the country's capital markets infrastructure for years to come," he said.

Philip Bennet, First Vice-President and COO of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, said that the solid Turkish economy made it an attractive investment target.

"We invested €1.4 billion ($1.61 billion) in the country last year. Turkey needs capital as well as innovation to take its production to the next level and to move toward being a high-income country. Foreign direct investment will be one of the most efficient sources of capital for that purpose and Government policy recognizes that. The EBRD is in particular looking into deepening capital and local currency markets in Turkey. Istanbul has the ambition to be a regional financial center and Borsa Ýstanbul is actively working to become a financial hub for the broader region spanning through Central Asia, South Eastern Europe to North Africa. The bourse’s strategy is to attract both local and regional companies by improving efficiency and liquidity and setting up a network of exchanges and the EBRD will support these goals through investments, technical assistance and policy dialogue.”

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