Last Thursday, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutošlu announced new incentives for working women.
For instance, new mothers will be paid 300 Turkish lira ($130) for a first child, 400 Turkish lira ($174) for second child and 600 ($261) Turkish lira for the third one, according to new regulation.
In a television interview, Žimžek said that one of most vital problems ahead of Turkey was the aging of the population.
"Turkeys population will age at a fast pace if we do not take measures. I think this reform is meaningful and its cost of $404 million is very small in the budget. Žimžek said.
Žimžek said that the Program on Protection of Family and Dynamic Population Structure is a part of a much larger reform program, which consists of 1,300 reforms. All costs and possible effects related to the regulations have been calculated in advance, he added.
Our budget is very strong at the moment. Budget deficit to GDP ratio in emerging economies is 2.1 percent while it is only 0.8 percent in Turkey, Žimžek said.
Regarding Turkeys inflation outlook, Žimsek said the current price of oil would certainly help lower it.
If prices stay at $50-60 per barrel, inflation can hit even below 5 percent supposing all other factors remain same, Žimžek said. |
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