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Anadolu Sigorta General Manager Mustafa Su: Insurance is imperative for SMEs not to have a nightmare

Mustafa Su said Anadolu Sigorta’s industry-first package for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) is now more comprehensive and contained special coverage and he underlined the vital importance of the insurance for SMEs to continue their activities uninterrupted.


2. Japanese earthquake is yet another proof of how vital the insurance is
Anadolu Sigorta General Manager Mustafa Su said the extent of the earthquake damages in a country like Japan which is known to be highly prepared for it showed once again how significant insurance is.

3. AXA SİGORTA holds 3rd of its Vision Meetings with agents

Speaking at AXA SİGORTA’s 3rd Vision Meetings, AXA SİGORTA CEO Cemal Ererdi said, “Agents should examine the profitability of the companies they work with and consider possible implications of these findings for them while formulating their work strategies.”

4. “Driven by Fiba Sigorta’s unique way of doing business”
Takeshi Oiwa, Vice President of Sompo Japan Insurance Inc. which is present in a total of 29 countries, said they preferred Fiba Sigorta, “for its unique way of doing business and unparalleled profit-oriented management”.

5. Students in foreign countries are under the cover of Güneş Sigorta

With the ‘Students Education Travel Insurance’,  Güneş Sigorta will offer a helping hand to the students going abroad for their education in their hard times away from their home and families.

6. Güneş Sigorta Sailing Team rides high
2010 was another year full of success for Güneş Sigorta Sailing Team which became champion in Turkish Offshore Yachting Club’s (TAYK) 2010 Trophy in IRC 3 category after a fierce competition among a total of 24 rivals.

7. Güneş Sigorta is powered by “sun” for two years
Güneş Sigorta (güneş means sun in Turkish) celebrates second year of its solar energy use. Güneş Sigorta, which is well aware of the significance and value of alternative energy sources, generates its own power by what is Istanbul’s biggest solar power plant for the last two years.

8. MAPFRE GENEL is strong in all aspects
MAPFRE GENEL SİGORTA General Manager Serdar Gül said, “We have been in top 10 companies in premium production for the last 10 years, our market share is 3.6 percent, but we are the number one in profitability. We are industry leader with our net profit/premium production ratio of 12 percent according to September 2010 data”.

9. Finans Emeklilik ve Hayat Human Resources, Administrative Affairs and Purchasing Group Manager Zühal Karan: “Investing in human resources is the key to success”

Karan said that by investing in human resources, they contributed to the development of not only their own industry, but the human resources of the whole country in general, adding that they would continue these efforts with the same vigor in 2011.

10. Spectacular opening to the first concept agent with GSSİGORTA HDI brand

First concept agent with GSSİGORTA HDI brand opened in Hoşdere, Ankara. Speaking in the high profile opening ceremony HDI Sigorta General Manager Enis Talaşman said they would open 40 more agents with GSSİGORTA HDI concept until the end of the year.

11. ING Emeklilik makes a speedy start in 2011 with many product launches and assertive projects. Adapting the successful business models of ING Group for use in Turkey, ING Emeklilik also prepares supporting projects for its agents which it deems as its partner in ideas.

12. Ray Sigorta makes difference on risk selection

Ray Sigorta Teknik ve Reasürans Director Eyüphan Daldal said Ray Sigorta, based on its 52-year experience, provided coverage for the businesses with its wide-range of corporate policies and a right risk-selection.

13. Contribution to education from Ray Sigorta
24th Insurance Training Seminar prepared by Turkish Insurance Institute (TSEV) took place at Yaşar University in Izmir on March 1, 2011 with the sponsorship of “Ray Sigorta”.

14. Assistant General Manager Selmin Çağatay: “Productivity is on the rise in Aviva Sigorta”

Aviva Sigorta Assistant General Manager Selmin Çağatay said that all operations of the Company were centralized in 2010 which helped increase the productivity of both the Company and its agents and they started addressing the customers’ expectations at a faster pace consequently.

15. Libya is a tangle for insurers
Libya has become an equation with many unknowns for insurers. While the industry was discussing whether it was right to provide coverage in conditions of civil uproar, United Nations’ decision to intervene in Libya dramatically changed the situation in this country.
Insurers are required to make a two-stage assessment of the situation – as pre-intervention and post-intervention – when things return to normal in this country.

16. TSRŞB Chairman Hulusi Taşkıran sent his farewell statement to Sigortacı Gazetesi:
Insurers’ worst habit is “TO COMPLAIN”

Eliminating the uncertainty about the April 10 elections, Hulusi Taşkıran, Chairman of the Association of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies of Turkey (TSRŞB), said he would not run in the upcoming elections. Taşkıran gave his last interview as TSRŞB Chairman to Sigortacı Gazette, where he provided a general assessment of the industry and said the worst habit of the insurers was to “complain”.

17. ‘ERGO makes difference in yacht insurance’
Cengiz Karataş ERGO Deputy General Manager in charge of Damages and Transportation, said ERGO Sigorta made difference in yacht insurance with the quality of its products and services.

18. Assurance Account Director Abdülkadir Küçük: “Assurance Account covers 25 percent of all motor vehicles in Turkey”

Küçük said the ratio of cars without the compulsory traffic insurance is about 25 percent in Turkey.

19. GESİD to make difference in the upcoming period
Young Insurers Association (GESİD) will convene its 14th General Assembly of Members at Sigortacı Lounge on Wednesday, March 16.  

20. Generali Sigorta General Manager Mine Ayhan: “We are providing our services with the same vigor based on the value we place on our employees”
Ayhan said the value given to the employees was one of their fundamental principles. “Thanks to this policy of our Group to value its employees, we have been doing insurance business for many years with the same vigor in the whole world and in Turkey, and will continue to do so,” she said.

21. Işık Sigorta General Manager Recep Koçak: “Işık Sigorta is the focus of all attention in the market due to its consistent policies”
Recep Koçak pointed out that Işık Sigorta did not participate in the price competition in the market and continued its growth without compensating from its profitability adding that they now set an example in the industry due to its consistent policies.

22. Astrologist Nuray Sayarı: “Insurance industry is to have a difficult and chaotic year”

Astrologist Nuray Sayarı says the following about her new book: “In my book titled ‘İçindeki Gücün Sırrını Keşfet’ (Discover the Limits of Your Power Inside) tells about how you can change everything once you change the way you think. The book tells about how we can be a magnet for the love, money, success, health and everything we want, and how we can protect from the spell and evil eye, how we should encode the substance with our power of thought, and how important the slowness and awareness are.

23. INSURERS to have a limited harm from the disaster in Japan
Reports put the insured damage in Japan’s earthquake somewhere between 15 and 35 billion dollar. But the greater part of the damage would be compensated by the Japanese government which is known to be highly prepared for an earthquake. International reinsurance companies’ liability will be limited with the industrial and commercial damage. Damage in the nuclear plants will also be covered by the Government.    

24. Mapfre Genel Sigorta General Manager Serdar Gül: “Taking precautions and having insurance for an earthquake is imperative”
Mapfre Genel Sigorta General Manager Serdar Gül said he wished Turkey would learn a lesson from the earthquake in Japan with a magnitude of 9 and the tsunami that followed it.

25. AXA Sigorta: We are now considering the human dimension
Axa Japan will donate 50 million Japanese Yen for the earthquake victims, while AXA Group announced it would set up an aid fund with a commitment of 1 million dollars.

26. SOMPO JAPAN SİGORTA Assistant General Manager Besim Ergun: Insured damage to exceed 15 billion dollar
Besim Ergün, Sompo Japan Sigorta Assistant General Manager in charge of Corporate Technical and Damage, said the tsunami effect that followed the big earthquake was far worse than expected, adding that the total economic losses would be more than 200 billion dollar according to initial estimates.

27. Nermin Yıldırım: “I want readers bring their own stories out into the open
First novel of Nermin Yıldırım, one of our former reporters, titled “Unutma Beni Apartmanı” (Don’t Forget Me Apartment) was published by Doğan Kitap. Yıldırım’s hero, Süreyya, is indeed one of us. While telling us the story of Süreyya who questions his life in the quest of a past full of mysteries, Yıldırım wants readers to reveal their own stories and come into terms with them.

28. SAB’s difference in training of agents
The subject in the first term of the “Lifelong Training” Project, organized by “Insurance Agents Association” (SAB) in cooperation with Bahçeşehir University, was “Agent Personnel Special Training”. The program which covered 2 day “Basic Training” and two day “Development Training” was received with great liking.

29. Longer human life is a challenge for the health system

Treasury Undersecretariat, General Directorate of Insurance General Manager Dr. Ahmet Genç said health and pension costs are increasing as the human life becomes longer. “Complementary health systems with a wider scope will certainly come to the agenda because health expenditures weighs too heavy on the Government” he added.

30. Banks favor ‘life’, and Agents ‘non-life’
The leader of the elementary branch is unchanged for so many years: agents maintain their leadership in premium production among all distribution channels. But bank-insurance companies are the leader in the life branch, and they are closing the gap with the agents each year.

31. Insurance industry meets at “Traditional Industry Dinner” of TSRŞB

Insurance industry came together at the “Traditional Industry Dinner” at Swissotel on Friday, 25th of February, organized by Association of Insurance and Reinsurance companies of Turkey (TSRŞB). Industry members made an assessment of 2010 and shared with each other their expectations for 2011.

32. Rally for Compulsory Earthquake Insurance from DASK
At a meeting participated by the State Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan, Turkish Catastrophe Insurance Pool (DASK) started its competition named “Cities Compete, Insured Win”, a new project designed to make Compulsory Earthquake Insurance more widespread.

33. Bauer becomes Zurich Sigorta General Manager
Lutz Christian Bauer was assigned to the head of Zurich Sigorta’s Turkish operation.

Source : Sigortacı
Hit : 1152

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